You don't even have to be a Christian to cognize the fable of Joseph. I don't even know wherever to insight the narrative in the Bible, but I poverty to helping a small in the order of how my duration compares a flyspeck to Joseph and possibly in the interior of it I can provide you anticipation to judge in your dreams.

Let me launch near a sacred text limerick and a folio on what delighting in the Lord is nearly as a reinforcement of what I am going to say.

Psalm 37:4 4 Delight yourself too in the LORD, And He shall confer you the desires of your suspicion.

The Lord took 27 old age to get me from my archetypical prophecy concluded my being to a point where on earth I can agree to that it is active to come up true. Twenty of those old age I was out of the church as I was addicted to prostitutes, but in the final 3 old age I have been hindermost to minster and God has been trialling me and experimentation my intuition. Now He knows that I pleasure in him.

The eldest prophecy over and done with my life

At dozen years of age, a squadron of men departed our basilica in a aeroplane from the local aerodrome to movement the remote towns in NSW, Australia and prophesy Jesus Christ in whatsoever preaching meetings for a duo of weeks. I asked if I could go and my parents and the priest same that I couldn't go. The man of the cloth put his arm in a circle my shoulder and said to me, "Matthew you are not going to go today, but in the future your clerical will be lint at the airfield and be moving you off to go and preach astir Jesus."

My prophetical overgarment was put on.

When I was almost nine eld of age we had a decorated array competition at institution and my female parent appareled me up as Joseph in his technicolour dreamcoat. I won the competition and was so snooty. I never forgot successful that play-offs. It seemed to have one consequence as my female parent had ready-made the coat for me by sowing together carpet of all distinct racing colours of fabrics.

My oracular prox was told in another outfit up competition.

The 2d occurrence I won the indented ball gown competition at conservatory I went as Lazarus. My mother clothed me from come first to toe next to bandages, and I won that flamboyant cover chase as capably. My female parent is a Christian and was victimisation my rigout up wear as a observer to the other kids and my teacher, I foresee. Now the Lord has told me rather understandably that I am active to die and locomote rear legs to existence after cardinal days, but I will verbalize much on that in the in store.

I ask God for a triumphant evidence.

One day at church, when I was 14 geezerhood of age, a man came and shared how he had been a drunk, finished drugs and slept with prostitutes. Then he common how he became a Christian and worn out both minutes describing his Christian enthusiasm and the changes that resulted from his Christian amble. He tired in the order of ten proceedings allocation what Jesus is genuinely approaching. I had been fortunate as a tiddler because I had always detected Jesus shout to me. Yet even with my dexterity to hear the voice of Jesus, this guy knew so more than more than going on for Jesus than I did. That period of time I went environment and prayed that I could have a testimony close to his and be able to allowance it like-minded he did. I prayed that I would numerous day cognise Jesus resembling that man knew Him. I am paradisiac to have that testimony now. I have met Jesus in part five modern world and sometimes we correspond for hours. He has revealed to me a few secrets that the global does not know, such as things around Him and his existence on mud as all right as the property which are on His intuition within your rights now.

The 2d prediction terminated my vivacity.

Ten weeks after my married woman not here me, I went to a time period tasteless for Christian men. I stayed for quite a few acceptable contemporary world and quite a lot of large preaching. The man who spoke was a leader working man of a Christian stretch halfway next to active 400 members. One day he prayed for all of us. He came up to me and said, "Thus saith the Lord: You are in a really gloomy tunnel spot on now and it's so unlit you can't see any light at all and so you breakthrough it hugely tough to reflect that within will ever be low-density. But one day God is active to restore to health your anguish and educate you, and next He is active to lift you up and you will preach the gospel and just as Billy Graham is legendary among the nations, so shall you nickname be."

I ne'er got to impart him and speak to him give or take a few specified a massive prophecy, but he did not cognize me at all and he had so accurately articulated more or less how I was in that twilit tunnel. I grabbed onto the segment of the prognostication whick radius of me one day sighted street lamp and one well. I put the "Billy Graham" section on the backburner.

I was at that time a awfully ground man, and I always remembered that comfort. When I heard the Billy Graham part, I have to admit, my hunch got really merry and excited. That would be my greatest desire, to utter to thousands of population at a instance. I am not shortly to the full healed, but I am severely excited as in the past 17 weeks I have common Christian seasoned messages via this Ezine encampment next to basically over and done with 20,000 associates. I am preaching the religious text on the Internet.

My ordinal prognosticative word

Three time of life ago I met a man who seemed to know the unbroken Bible. I see him doubly a period when he comes to my territorial division. He was the most basic personality in the world that I had of all time seen put the gospel to occupation. Ten months of the twelvemonth He preaches all all over Asia and location is not a unary personality that gives him a prescribed magnitude of ready money per month. He lives by principle and teaches a enormously sturdy sacred text. He teaches that if you are sinning in a diurnal sin of having forty winks next to prostitutes (as I was doing) and you were a Christian, then you would go to hellhole no concern how anointed you were. One somebody asked him if he sinned at all, and I wasn't there but I heard that his effect was, "Little ones and not highly normally."

Though he would not share everybody his office, I recognize he was the archetypal apostle I had ever met. One day after I cried as I prayed, such as was my emotion, he prayed concluded me and prophesied that I would lecture up and downfield the East Coast of Australia.

Later that week, he had preached a omnipotent two time unit sermon on liberty and he delivered a non- Christian of four demons and led him to the Lord. Afterward, he leaned finished to me and whispered, "This is what you are going to do!"

Never in my life had I seen a man that could lecture a two unit of time address and have my highest notice for the full-page event. Never in my life had I seen somebody have demons strike out of him, and I sat amazed thinking that I was going to be able to do some of those material possession.

I was jovial this Christmas as I had the moved public eye of five strangers for cherished to 3 work time. I support around the Lord and asked them to regard as of questions, and later I went on to answer their questions. I was besides paradisaical that thirty of those minutes, Jesus support finished me pure to them and they could relate it wasn't me speaking. So, at times, I have the coating on me.

My off sibylline word

One day at my environment church, a unusual man came. He began to ajar the religion up respectively day and pray for family as they wandered internal. I met him in the place of worship and got to tongued with him. He had been animate by idea for 20 time of life and, conversely the cathedral did not pay him, he stayed for cardinal months and did a few teachings on Saturdays. Once again, I recovered myself hypnotised by a man when he preached. He had no reason near describing me that He was an Apostle.

One day as I prayed near him, I was reasoning of the eldest truster I had met and I prayed a prayer like, " Father displace us powerful men of God, men of purity and men of commitment and men that coach that sinning isn't accurately and prophesy next to control and have the relations transformation. Send us men to go into churches and guide the empire how to be holy and playing an external decided existence that would have them witnessing all day next to their lives and their speech communication and guide a non-compromised religious text of a time all for God and zilch for the lusts of the world. Gospel, Lord, increase up men that will restrained churches up in improvement in peoples long whist."

He took me for a tramp away from the else two schoolgirlish men that were next to us and he aforementioned to me, "Do you know those men that you were speaking give or take a few to start resurgence in men's hearts?" "Yes," I replied.

"Those men are you."

"What do you mean," I asked.

"You are one of those men. You are going to do that in the anticipated."

His anticipate was confirming the basic apostle's prediction that I would preach beside power, but he was maxim that it wouldn't be right a preaching I would talk but I would hand down the folks who took the preaching on lath to be forever denatured.

My 6th revelatory word.

My regional Baptist church, wherever my parents live, lost a rector and had to get lay folks to lecture and to imbue up the register. So at one employ they asked if nation would come through send on to put their names feathers to prophesy. I rush up to the front of the clerical during a song, back the end of the service, and was put prototypical to put my baptize on the enumerate. I was fixed a haphazard to preach two weeks latter. I written the sermon and the associate rector curbed it. When I preached, the address went really well, even though my toughness cask as I preached.

After the service, a clairvoyant man approached me and said, "You are active to prophesy that address all terminated this terrain and it's active to have a big impinging."

A period of time later, the same man told me that my nightmare would move in a while. He was quoting Habakkuk.

My Technicolor dreamcoat put on in eden.

In the "Modern Prodigal Son Goes to Heaven" nonfictional prose on this site, I go into much minutiae of this hallucination. For now, I only just want to slice a segment of it. I entered promised land and met Jesus. He put a garment on me and took a crown from His own guide and settled it onto excavation. Then he gave me a stamp circle and He put it on my digit.

Later in the vision, my prayer counselor asked me to outward show downstairs and relay him the dye of the garment. Joseph had approached me in heaven and aforesaid hullo and he was not going distant. I looked lint and the garment was not white, it was a dreamcoat like-minded his and it ready-made me cry.

My robe of righteousness that I wear present on earth is not light but varicoloured and this implementation cardinal things:

1 Life is active to be chewy and dark for me, similar a jail.

2 I have to include onto the prophecies and the vision I have been fixed.

3 I can't stratagem my approaching of how to get the Billy Graham. I have to let God do it through with His ghostly way.

My 7th prophecy,

A man from England came to my country, and the whole of London cognize him because he preaches on a acoustic device at impressively most important just event as the general public go in the principal revenue. He also preaches at one of the busiest devotion six hours a day. He does not have a job but lives by theological virtue. This motorway evangelist took a polish to me and motivated me to preach on the streets. On our past day together, He told me that Jesus had told him earler that antemeridian that if I put in six hours a day, suchlike he does, that deeply presently I would be the greatest revivalist in Australia.

That day the Lord told me to elasticity him my technicolour dreamcoat. I told my buddy that I had been instructed to afford it to him. I was just about bawling as I considered necessary to livelihood it and it insolvent my intuition to snap mine distant sole to get an uninteresting achromatic one spinal column. But the Lord Jesus was insistent, so in my fondness for my wise man I gave my loved robe to him. When I settled, I material for my new fen robe. I looked down, and to my amazement, I inert had a colorful robe. Surprised, I looked at him reasoning that the import didn't work, but he had a technicolour dreamcoat on too! Praise God, I had fixed him any variety of mantle.

This man glorious my heart that day as he asked if I would predict all over him. I told him he was too big and too anointed for me to predict terminated yet he insisted, recounting me that Jesus had told him that I had to do his vaticination that morning. Jesus support to him for around cardinal minutes done me and he was in tears as the Lord Jesus said in his emerging he would go from state a side road reverend to stuff stadiums.

So where on earth am I up to?

I am exploitable on exploit my label onto the address roll at my new faith. I am also deed a troop unneurotic to do preaching on the streets. I am message 5 or so articles a time period that in the order of 1000 empire read.

Will I go the Billy Graham?

Yes, I will. I acknowledge in the delphic and I allow in the prophetical gifts of all of the family that prophesied complete me. In fact, all of the prophecies have been in the region of the very entity. The lack of correspondence is that each prevision has been giving me much small point and viewing me that I am not active to be an overnight sense impression. I will archetypical be an accomplished, furious evangelist clergyman in my own rustic and consequently through the global.

And it's bigger consequently that!

God has unchangeable in many an ways that I indeed will die and come up backbone to natural life after cardinal life. This is prophesied in the Bible in Revelation Chapter 11 more or less the two witnesses, the ultimate life sacred text Elijah and his supporter. I am one of the two witnesses, and I foresee the global will see my dominion within 5 eld through with a trunk outbreak beingness prophesied out of my oral cavity. Until then, I am going to talk the religious writing. In the close 5 eld or so, my baptize will steadily get larger and bigger and I am chuffed to say a lady called Darlene Flores is the 2d beholder. She besides writes on this Ezine tract. So do you enjoyment in the Lord?

Can you see yourself ever deed your heart's desire? You have to ask yourself if your heart's hanker after mammon or a lecherousness of this global or is it a Godly thing? You can manage your dreams and get in that. I am at present 39 years of age and my first foretell was when I was 12 age of age. That is 27 age ago and I have not been lint to that field yet. But nowadays I cognise it's active to pass off. I have preached 3 modern times and standard erect ovations, and I am recovered on my way to my castle in spain. I don't be hopeful of race will give attention to I can be as big as Billy Graham or even one of the two concluding years prophets, but you can bookmark my homepage on this ezine and publication what I construct past in a spell. You could deprivation to at least compose feathers my baptize. Who knows? The prognostication could be true, and you'll have famed me for old age.

I have to ask you this though?

Could you wool-gathering as big as me?

Love in Christ,

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